Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Comic Relief

My day has been crazy. I mean, I worked like crazy yesterday, dreamed about work last night, and I'm working like crazy again today. But, good news is that The Wall Street Journal ranked the EMBA Programs at UNC #5, which is good for me professionally http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122244975223379303.html. Of course, had they ranked the programs low, I would have told you rankings don't matter:).

In all this work craziness, I do find solace in some comedy. In case you've been hiding under a rock, here's my favorite latest: http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/couric-palin-open/704042/. HA!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A girl's gotta move!

This one does, anyway. Try not to roll your eyes in the back of your head and groan when I type the following words...I AM FAT. I know, I know - you've heard me say it before...I just had a baby...9 months on, 9 months off, etc. Thanks for the kind sentiments, but here's the situation: It's been 5 months since I had that baby, and I still can't fit into 95% of my clothes. And, if this week is any indication, Fall is here (if not to stay), and I can't afford (not will I) to buy an entire new wardrobe because I can't fit into any of my jeans.

Look, I know it's all relative. If I have a second child several years from now, I'll probably wish I had the body I do now, just as I now wish I had my pre-pregnancy body that I used to think was "fat." HA - such is the plight of being female. And, of course, I'm just not one of those persons who loses weight easily. And, YES, I am nursing, and NO it hasn't helped me lose weight.

So, I've gotta move. I walked each day during maternity leave, but exercise has gotten a bit dicey since I returned to work. Typical day: Up at 6:30, prep for day, at work by 8:00, home by 5:00 to relieve nanny, play/care for Anna until 7:00/7:30 when she goes to bed, make dinner, eat dinner around 8:30, have a glass of wine and prep to do it all over again (clean kitchen, do laundry, etc...in short, be Flossie). And, I do like to try to touch base with Brian:) I've tried to stroll Anna when I get home, and I will continue to do that sometimes, but I need MORE!

So - my promise to myself is that I will start doing something - if only 15 minutes - everyday. Let's start tomorrow (because I'm in DC today for work and won't get home until late...isn't there always something?).

Send me any great ideas!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

*#!@% Internet Explorer

I just wrote a LONG post and IE crashed. No time to re-write...will be back when in better frame of mind.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why Flossie?

I grew up with Flossie. Flossie was the imaginary woman who helped my mother when I was growing up...she was generally called in when my mother was at the end of her rope. For instance, "It sure would be nice if Flossie would finish these dishes..." Flossie did it all - behind the scenes, of course.

As a new mom (to my precious Anna) who recently went back to work and is trying to figure out how to "get it all done" while still having fun and keeping my sanity, I've come to realize that Flossie and I are one and the same! Don't get it? Read again.