Thursday, September 25, 2008

A girl's gotta move!

This one does, anyway. Try not to roll your eyes in the back of your head and groan when I type the following words...I AM FAT. I know, I know - you've heard me say it before...I just had a baby...9 months on, 9 months off, etc. Thanks for the kind sentiments, but here's the situation: It's been 5 months since I had that baby, and I still can't fit into 95% of my clothes. And, if this week is any indication, Fall is here (if not to stay), and I can't afford (not will I) to buy an entire new wardrobe because I can't fit into any of my jeans.

Look, I know it's all relative. If I have a second child several years from now, I'll probably wish I had the body I do now, just as I now wish I had my pre-pregnancy body that I used to think was "fat." HA - such is the plight of being female. And, of course, I'm just not one of those persons who loses weight easily. And, YES, I am nursing, and NO it hasn't helped me lose weight.

So, I've gotta move. I walked each day during maternity leave, but exercise has gotten a bit dicey since I returned to work. Typical day: Up at 6:30, prep for day, at work by 8:00, home by 5:00 to relieve nanny, play/care for Anna until 7:00/7:30 when she goes to bed, make dinner, eat dinner around 8:30, have a glass of wine and prep to do it all over again (clean kitchen, do laundry, short, be Flossie). And, I do like to try to touch base with Brian:) I've tried to stroll Anna when I get home, and I will continue to do that sometimes, but I need MORE!

So - my promise to myself is that I will start doing something - if only 15 minutes - everyday. Let's start tomorrow (because I'm in DC today for work and won't get home until late...isn't there always something?).

Send me any great ideas!!!

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