Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pumpkin Bread

I don't really like pumpkin, or any other kind of squash for that matter. I'll eat it, but I just don't get jazzed about it. A few years ago, though, I was in the mood for something that tasted like "fall," and I stumbled upon Sara Foster's recipe for Pumpkin Bread.

And I love it. It's moist, spicy, yummy...tastes like fall!

Though the recipe calls for canned pumpkin, I used to always roast a fresh pumpkin for the bread. Now that I don't have time for such craziness, I just follow the recipe as it, and you know what? I can't tell the difference.

I took some to Love bug's preschool today - hope they enjoyed it. Here's a link to the recipe so you can, too.

1 comment:

Melissa Rogers said...

I LOVE pumpkin bread! Thanks for the recipe :)