Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just let go.

I'm envious of people who can "just let go," and allow life (or whatever forces are driving life) to lead them.  I'm a fairly self-aware person; I think I have a pretty good idea of my strengths, weaknesses, struggles!  And, one of my biggest struggles is just letting life happen.  I'm not sure what, if anything, is at the root of the struggle.  Is it genetic?  Environmental?  Both, of course. But, at an even closer glance:  What, or who, taught me that I need to have control over my circumstances?  That I need to have a plan for my future?  That I need to be in the driver's seat?  Yes, this characteristic has served me well - sometimes - but perhaps even more often has caused me undue heartache and stress.  I have moments when something or someone succeeds in altering my pattern.  So, I'll try once again to allow that to happen.

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