Friday, March 12, 2010


I'm pretty much a "fashion don't."  Okay, maybe not a true blue "don't," but I'm not far from it.  I mean, I don't think Stacy & Clinton on What Not to Wear would toss out my entire closet; they may keep something along the lines of 5-10 pieces.  Okay, 5.  And none of the shoes.

I like to think of my style as, "functional" and "classic," that is if the definition of classic includes a few pieces from Target's most recent line.  I mean, I understand the value of a good pair of $150 jeans (which were just $100 a few years ago and are now inching much closer to $200).  I also understand the longevity of a cute jacket that I can wear at work and on the weekend.  And, I can even appreciate dropping a bit of cash on a bag that'll last a few years.  And, let's face it, we all want to look nice (at least I do).  And, I'm a firm believer that the right outfit can make all the difference.

That being said, I don't get the hype around fashion.  I understand that to fashion mavens it's "art," just like collecting paintings or appreciating a beautiful fabric pattern for your new sofa.  But, I just can't get into it.  Okay, let's be honest, I can't afford to get into it.  But, even if I could, it just seems useless to me.  Even before I had my daughter (who makes this completely impossible), I never did enjoy spending a day shopping...unless, that is, I was shopping at the Farmers' Market.  It makes me restless.  And, the idea of spending more than $15 on a t-shirt makes me crazy.

I'll admit it:  I think the obsession with fashion is vain and obnoxious.  There, I said it.  The idea of spending hours upon hours and your savings account on the latest and greatest (because, frankly, it makes you look and feel "good") is crazy to me.  So, there, shoot me.

Of course, what does it say about me that I still have enough of an interest to post this link:  It's a blog for a store that was recently mentioned to be a favorite of a celebrity.  Would I ever buy anything there?  No.  Will I read the blog from time to time to ensure I'm wearing the modern day equivalent of "Mom jeans."  Yes.


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