Saturday, March 20, 2010


This will be short.  I envy the following:

1) Persons who are not afraid to fly on airplanes.  I have probably taken nearly 100 trips on airplanes, and I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had to seen different parts of the US and world.  But, I'm scared every time.  I never get over it.  I can't relax.

2) Which leads me to my second point:  I'm envious of persons who can sleep on an airplane, which believe is directly related to #1.  I flew across the Atlantic earlier today.  I left at approximately 9 p.m. ET and flew "all night" to land in London at approximately 9 a.m.  Sounds like the perfect time to sleep, right?  No, not me.  I heard every noise, felt every bump, was uncomfortable, etc.  All around me:  people sleeping like babies.  


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