Thursday, July 16, 2009

Am I crazy?

Perhaps.  As my previous two entries indicated, my dear friend Jane passed away nearly two months ago...and I miss her.  But, I think I'm healing, and life certainly does keep going on.  

I didn't share all of Jane's spiritual beliefs.  But, she had a number of friends who did, and at least one of them has referred to her as "Jane the Butterfly."  If that works for that person, fine, I suppose.  I have a few problems with it - tensing up as I type - but I'll keep those to myself for now.  

Why do I even mention this?  Well, I've been on vacation at Emerald Isle for the past week, and I've found time to go running each day (trying to shrink myself).  I've been coming to Emerald Isle for many years now, and while I've certainly seen butterflies before, I've never noticed them as I do now.  As I run each day, I see at least several butterflies (or is it just one?) along the way, and yesterday one flew right up in front of my face; it didn't seem to want to leave.  Am I crazy?  Who knows.  But, what I do know is that the beautiful creatures do make me think of my friend and how special she was.

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