Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I just don't understand...

...the psychology behind why some Americans will "pick a side" without fully looking at the facts. Yes, I'm talking about the presidential election in this country. I'm watching the debate right now, and it's pretty interesting, but it's also prompting me to think about a conversation I had this morning. I won't mention who I was talking to...but this person mentioned to me that he would "never vote for Obama," because, "...Obama is Muslim, and he says he will meet with terrorists in this country." WHAT?!? Unless Obama is simply a boldfaced liar, I understand him to be Christian. And, let's say he was Muslim (which he isn't)...does that really matter? I thought we had a separation of Church and State in this country. But, did this person take the time to research these claims that he simply picked up along the way of his daily life? No. Now, let's tackle the claim that Obama will meet with terrorists in this country...I assume he is referring to Obama's statement that he will consider sitting down with leaders throughout the world, regardless of their policies, etc. Or, perhaps he was referring to Palin's recent comments that Obama was "palling around with terrorists." If this person had taken 5 minutes to do a simple Google search, he would understand that this was an issue already debated in the primary season and put to bed.

I understand that we all have different political perspectives, and I certainly don't expect all persons to agree with my own views. But, what I simply don't have patience for ignorance and laziness. Take the time to investigate the policies of each candidate rather than reading some stupid email forward or listening to a pundit, etc. Think for yourself. Be logical. Then, and only then, stake your claim.

To all of you out there who approach something as significant as a presidential election in this haphazard way, I have a message for you: "Stay home in November." We don't need your vote.

1 comment:

homie cat said...

I am still undecided on who I am going to vote for at this moment. On a funny note, at least I think it is funny, I was so tired last night that I accidentally called Obama "Bin Laden". I just saw something on his VP, Biden, and it came out. I believe we were watching a SNL skit. That is what will happen with little or no sleep.

On a better note, I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Corbin and I took a three hour nap this morning and he took a 40 min. nap after our walk w/out any struggles. I hope we are able to keep it up.