Thursday, October 2, 2008

Opting Out?

I'm not there (yet), but I thought some of you (the 1 or 2 readers who may visit this site) may enjoy this book called Opting Out by Pamela Stone. She recently spoke here at UNC, and I thought her premise was pretty interesting. She asserts that, through research (she's a social scientist), she's determined that many women don't leave the workforce because they have an overwhelming desire to do so, but that they leave because the workforce is so unfriendly to working women/mothers. She suggests that the inflexible work hours, etc. in the overwhelming majority of organizations essentially "forces" women to leave. And that, for those who are able to work out flexible arrangements (such as part-time, etc.) are marginalized to the point of leaving. Very interesting.

1 comment:

homie cat said...

I can truly tell you that staying at home is very rewarding, but a very hard job. I have an infant that does not like naps. I thought getting a 2 year old down for naps was hard. That is a piece of cake to an infant. I am trying many different tactics. Today I walked up to rent a movie with him in the Snugli. This was after the swing, rocking, the bouncy, etc. Luckily he slept for 30 mins. while I walked around with him. He will even sleep in it while I am vacuuming. I thought carrying a baby in the womb was hard. Can we say back ache? Maybe my book on the way will help.

Now, he is fighting going down to sleep at night. Luckily, in the middle of the night he will go right back to bed. I guess that is my saving grace!! I have never had a problem sleeping. I guess this is where we differ!!!