Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday - a blessing?

I shouldn't be writing this right now. Why? Because I only have a few minutes, and I should be using that time to do "work," the kind I get paid to do. But, I needed a quick break, so here I am.

Every Monday is a blessing. I work for an organization that's flexible enough to allow me to work from home one day a week. And, regardless of this blog entry, I don't take advantage of that. I work more than my fair share throughout the week (definitely more than 40 hrs), so I feel comfortable with the arrangement. Most importantly, it allows me to spend one more day a week with my baby girl. The nanny doesn't come on Mondays, SO...

Every Monday is also a challenge. This morning went something like this...wake up, make coffee and answer some emails before Anna wakes. When Anna wakes, feed her and play with her until she goes down for her morning nap (about an hour after she wakes up). Usually, I use the time when she's sleeping to cram several hours of work into one, and then we start the cycle again. Lucky for me, she still naps three times a day. Since I don't get as much "work" done on Mondays as I would like, I continue working after she goes to bed.

But, as me if it's worth it. The answer is a resounding, "YES." This arrangement is one of the things that keeps me in the workforce, and I am assure any skeptics out there that my employer gets more than 100% from me over the long run. I think my employer could be even more flexible, but it's a great start. Why are others not smart enough to do so?

Off to work! 49 minutes and counting...

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